The Communication Blueprint

Effective Communication = Language Proficiency + Public Speaking + Tons of Confidence + Socio-Cultural Aspects of the Language​

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Before you read on; first, let me ask you these questions.

Do you find it difficult or challenging to?

  • crack your job interviews
  • crack your IJPs (internal job postings)
  • get promotions at work
  • share your plans and ideas
  • express your thoughts and feelings
  • express your pleasures and pains
  • narrate your adventures and expeditions
  • communicate your successes and achievements
  • tell your story to the world
  • understand your audience
  • communicate with your audience
  • build a keen sense of perceptiveness
  • develop team management skills
  • understand what people are like
  • deal with difficult people
  • express yourself orally and in writing
  • expedite sales and marketing
  • handle office politics
  • foster organizational development
  • interview and ask the rights questions
  • manage your emotional intelligence
  • grasp information and communication technology (ICT)
  • advocate on your own behalf and your causes
  • create compelling presentations
  • manage a positive relationship with your employer
  • enforce boundaries (personal, professional)

If you’ve said ‘YES’, to even one of the above among the many that exists, you need to.

Then read on …

The Communication blueprint is a 40-Hour course spread across a minimum of 20 weeks with 20 modules of 2 hours each. (for the easy going you can stretch this to 250 weeks). You can study anytime, from anywhere, start any day and in 250 weeks.

The Communication Blueprint is formulated to help you become an expert at communication

Effective Communication = Language Proficiency + Public Speaking + Tons of Confidence + Socio-Cultural Aspects of the Language

  • The Communication Blueprint is the course that helps you get onto the path to continuous progress and prosperity and helps you get better at communication skills so that you can on an average earn 40% more than your peers and contemporaries.
  • The Communication Blueprint is the key to professional and personal growth via the mastery over the English language in all its form and it is the most in-demand skill in today’s social-political and socio-economic world.
  • The Communication Blueprint further enables you to become fluid and fluent, well read and eloquent as you progress from module to module you will be able to sway the masses and hold your audience in rapt attention.

On the course –

  • 20 Modules in 20 ~ 250 Weeks
  • 40-Hour Video Taped Course
  • 2000 Contemporary Words
  • 2000 Phrasal Verbs
  • 200 Modern Idioms


  • “The one easy way to become worth 50 percent more than you are now — at least — is to hone your communication skills — both written and verbal.” says Warren Buffett

And he also said this –

  • “If you can’t communicate, it’s like winking at a girl in the dark — nothing happens. You can have all the brainpower in the world, but you have to be able to transmit it, and the transmission is communication.” says Warren Buffett 

About the course:

  • COURSE > ‘The Communication Blueprint’ by David Conrad Linus (Master Trainer)
  • COST > Rs. 4990 /- ONLY
  • AGE > Suitable for 16+ adults
  • DATE > Start ANY DAY
  • TIME > Study at your OWN TIME
  • VENUE > PRIVATE Google Classroom (Study from ANY WHERE in the world)
  • DURATION > 20 weeks to 250 weeks

Seize 2023 and make it the year for realizing and achieving your public speaking & presentation mastery goals

  • Special On-Demand Weekend Offer of ₹4990/- ONLY
  • The price will go up to ₹ 12990/- after February 2023
  • Videos on demand to study anytime and from anywhere
  • Activity packed videos with links and directions to the best resources and exercises available on the internet for your reference, review and reinforcement

Who should start this journey?

  • Coaches & Trainers
  • Sales Executives & Corporate Professionals
  • Business Owners & Freelancers
  • Influencers & Content Creators
  • Students & Unemployed(s)
  • Public Speakers & Consultants

Course Details

5 years online support via regular live online webinars to answer your questions and email support

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