Level - PS2

Learning Your Style


Helping You Become An Expert at Communication

Effective Communication = Language Proficiency + Public Speaking + Tons of Confidence + Socio-Cultural Aspects of the Language​

Level 2 - Learning Your Style

Project 4 - Recognising Your Communication Style

No.: 4 | Level: 2 | Project: 1 | Option: Comp

Project Description: This project focuses on recognizing your preferred communication style and understanding how your style impacts your interactions with others.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to learn about different communication styles and identify your primary style.

Overview: Complete the Discover Your Communication Style questionnaire to help you identify your style. Deliver a 5- to 7-minute speech at a club meeting about your communication style and its impact on your professional and/or personal relationships. If you are uncomfortable discussing your communication style, you may speak about the communication styles you have encountered and how they impact you. Your speech should not be a report of the content of this project.

Project Includes: The Discover Your Communication Style questionnaire

  • A 5- to 7-minute speech

Project 5 - Effective Body Language

No.: 5 | Level: 2 | Project: 2 | Option: Comp

Project Description: This project focuses on how to recognize body language used when speaking publicly and how to use gestures to enhance speech content.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to deliver a speech with awareness of your intentional and unintentional body language, as well as to learn, practice, and refine how you use nonverbal communication when delivering a speech.

Overview: Prepare a 5- to 7-minute speech on a topic that lends itself to expression through your movement and gestures. Video record your presentation and get feedback from your mentor or another reviewer before speaking to your club. If you do not have access to a recording device, perform your speech in front of a mirror and make adjustments before your scheduled speech.

Project Includes: A 5- to 7-minute speech

Project 6 - Introduction to Public Speaking Mentoring

No.: 6 | Level: 2 | Project: 3 | Option: Comp

Project Name: Introduction to Public Speaking Mentoring

Project Description: This project introduces the value of mentorship and the Public Speaking view of mentors and protégés.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to clearly define how Public Speaking envisions mentoring.

Overview: Write and present a 5- to 7-minute speech about a time when you were a protégé. Share the impact and importance of having a mentor. This speech is not a report on the content of this project.

Note: Every member in the Public Speaking Pathways must complete this project.

Project Includes: A 5- to 7-minute speech

Sample Video Class

Hindi Sample

English Sample


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